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Category and Criteria Information

The N.C. Source Water Protection Awards recognize outstanding plans, programs, and projects that protect the State's drinking water resources.

Award Categories


  1. Surface Water Planning
    An outstanding conservation, regulatory, or restoration plan developed during the past two years designed to protect, manage, and/or restore a surface drinking water supply.
  2. Groundwater Planning
    An outstanding conservation, regulatory, or restoration/recharge plan developed during the past two years designed to protect, manage, and/or restore a groundwater source used as a drinking water supply.


  1. Surface Water Implementation
    An outstanding conservation, regulatory, or restoration project implemented during the past two years that protects, manages, and/or restores a surface drinking water supply.
  2. Groundwater Implementation
    An outstanding conservation, regulatory, or restoration/recharge project implemented during the past two years that protects, manages, and/or restores a groundwater source used as a drinking water supply.


A successful educational campaign developed or implemented during the past two years that raises awareness of source water protection, demonstrates source water protection measures, or otherwise spurs action toward source water protection.


An individual who has made an outstanding contribution to source water protection through policy direction, stewardship, design, and/or dedication of resources.

Award Selection Process

The N.C. Source Water Collaborative Awards Committee will review award nominations and select award recipients.  The Awards Committee's selections will be based on quality of submissions reviewed against the criteria described below.  Each year awards will not necessarily be given in every category and more than one award may be given in an award category.  Decisions of the Awards Committee are final, and nomination materials submitted may be displayed and/or publicized by the N.C. Source Water Collaborative.

Award Criteria

Nominations for awards will be judged on the following criteria:

Criteria Sub-Criteria Rank (A=highest)
Effectiveness The project has had or will have a significant overall benefit to drinking water sources in N.C. (quality and/or quantity). A
The project has a plan proposed or in place to evaluate progress and success of the project and adapt accordingly.  There is a mechanism planned or in place for obtaining measurable results. A
The project demonstrates effective and efficient use of resources. B
Collaboration There are strong and appropriate project partnerships. A
The project includes an element of community involvement. B
Relevance The applicant has made the connection between their project and source water protection. B
The project addresses known issues (e.g. community concern, impairment, etc.). C
Sustainability There is a high likelihood of the project being implemented or completed. A
The project goes above and beyond meeting existing regulations, guidelines or practices. C
Innovation The project is innovative and/or creative. B
The project addresses multiple interests or objectives. B
Transferability The project sponsor or nominee has performed outreach activities or has a plan in place to perform outreach activities. B
The project is highly transferable, and the applicant has shared lessons. B