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The N.C. Source Water Protection Awards Program was created to support the NCSWC’s mission by acknowledging candidates that demonstrate innovative, proactive, and collaborative solutions to protect North Carolina's drinking water and the watersheds that support it. Any individual, group, organization, or agency who engages in coordinated activities to protect drinking water may be eligible for an award.  The six award categories are:.

Picture of the awards

  1. Planning (surface water)
    Projects such as GIS projects, land use plans, water supply plans, new ordinances or policies, infiltration & inflow programs, water conservation
  2. Planning (groundwater)
    Projects such as GIS projects, wellhead protection plans, new ordinances or policies, spill response plans, water supply plans, capital improvement planning
  3. Implementation (surface water)
    Projects such as installation of stormwater/agricultural BMPs, stream & buffer restoration, integrated pest management, livestock exclusion
  4. Implementation (groundwater)
    Projects such as septic system inspection and failure reduction program, underground storage tank management, household hazardous waste collection
  5. Education
    Project such as using stormwater/agricultural BMPs as outdoor classrooms, stream clean-ups, community engagement events, pharmaceutical disposal programs
  6. Leadership
    Projects that show initiative or creativity that is rarely seen or unprecedented in North Carolina – see award winners for examples

Nominations are due by January 10th, 2025.

Award winners are recognized at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference held in partnership with the North Carolina Water Resources Association.

2025 Awards map